UX Projects
Future of Contact
WorkSafe Victoria
The project aimed to solve the challenge of enhancing the contact centre experience by addressing outdated technology, improving customer service quality, ensuring scalability for growing demand, and creating a personalised omni-channel experience.
Key Skills
Research - Collaboration - Assumptions Mapping - Interviewing - Synthing - Presentation - Communication - Reflection
About the Project
We were tasked with solving the stage 2 problem of this multi-stage project. Stage 1 established the need for and benefits of modernisation of the Contact Centre. Stage 2 sought to establish the prioritisation of user needs. At this point in the project, WorkSafe was open to all considerations within this broad format.
The Team
3 Experience Designers
3 Innovation Centre Managers
2 IT Specialists
We undertook internal and external research seeking to understand user needs. We interviewed a variety of staff as well as other managers of Contact Centres in other government organisations both within Australia and Internationally.
Using Miroboards, we collaborated and synthesised our learnings from research and developed insights that informed our prioritisation framework.
We matched discovered user needs with the business requirements document listing. We established themes of 'Set my expectations', 'Give me choice', and 'Understand my journey'.
This enabled us to discuss the findings with the broader team and set about creating a prioritisation framework in relation to 'Expectations' and 'Impact' and prioritising user needs as 'Priority 1 - 4'.
The prioritisation mapping was positively received by the business and used as a solid basis for the next stage. It also influenced other aspects of the broader project. My 12 month contract concluded at this point.
Personal Insights and Reflections
It’s very challenging to work in the early phase of a project (in the grey) when there is uncertainty on how to go about solving the main problem posed.
I need to continue developing my skills in synthing large amounts of information, as it can take me longer to process and make sense of it.
I need to be patient when working in complex, fast changing project dynamics. This one was particularly complex.
We achieved a great outcome under trying conditions.